So... for Memorial Day... my parents and I road-tripped it up to Seneca Falls, NY to visit my sister~ I can't say I'm familiar with all the entertainment/tourist options available at Cayuga Lake... but the one the activity that stands out for me (besides the usual joys of hanging out by/on a lake).... is the Wine tasting. NY wines really are getting better and better... and it was an affordable, interesting, and tasty way to spend the weekend~ I can't recall which winery's these photos were taken at... (I did know where I was at the time the photo's were taken~)
So... I'm going through my Flickr account and looking through my photos... realizing I never posted any of it here... so the next few posts will be my attempt to catch you up on my life... in photos~~
May... in Portland... my buddies and I visited the Japanese Garden after class one day... we paid like $8 each (with our student discount)... and it was an amazing evening~ really so beautiful!
Immediately following my "weekend" in Portland... I flew back into NY... only to fly out the same day... to Guatemala- to provide Acupuncture and other medical services to the Locals- living in the Mountain villages outside Antigua. We worked in some of the Best and Worst conditions I've ever visited in Central America. I personally had the opportunity to treat over 120 patients in the course of 24 hours of direct service. It was exhausting, but beyond rewarding~ we left Guatemala city- just before the Sink Hole occurred~
So... i guess I've been really distracted... so much so... I didn't even realize I had posted last month!! (perhaps I'm doing better than I expected!)... So... the Arabella shawlette... is done... actually its been really done for a while now... really done- meaning I un-did the bind-off and re-did it~ its pretty... its gone into the christmas stash.
... so the new look of flicker... is still a bit confusing for me... I can't decide how I feel about it... but for now... its just plain old- confusing!!