Monday, May 5, 2008

power adaptor

YAY! my cousin found the right power adaptor for me~ and my laptop finally works! Ok~ well it was working yesterday too... but by the time the pictures were done uploading I was tooo tired to post~ so here they are! or rather here are SOME highlights! I have like 4G's of photos and video~ if your interested you'll all welcome to my home for a picture viewing party once I return!? Meanwhile... I will try to post a few now and again~ and include a little info about each?

Today I ate Korean Pizza- it was interesting~ the toppings included ham, green peppers, olives, onions and extra cheese... it also included corn, bulgogi and sweet Yama Potato (mashed and encircling the pizza just inside the crust) WHY oh WHY didn't I take a picture of this!? it was... as I said... interesting

Knitting progress: after "frogging" the 1 sock I've been working onsince the begginning of this trip too many times to remember... I finally finished the 1st sock last night~ HURRAH! I cast on the second side and now intend on going upstairs to work on it for a little bit.

Tomorrow is my 1st day of Clinic here in Korea- Why do I feel nervous? I guess it has something to do with the fact that I'm worried I won't understand a Word of what is going on and people will be upset with me for it... like they were in CHINA! oye~ I don't think I'll survive if these next 5 weeks are going to be like CHINA~ pray for me!!


Shikyobi said...

Ahh well as long as your computer works, it's all good. Took quite a bit of pictures while you were there, that's nice! Food looks pretty good... Even though I'm not sure what some of them are. Wow so many places they all look nice makes me want to go visit again sometime. That's an interesting pizza... Lots of... Stuff... On it...

Ooo that's mine that you're knitting right? =O Haha don't worry too much about your first day, I'm sure you'll do fine! After all, don't you always? Ahh well I have to head to class now, miss you lots!

Nelson said...

4GB of photos, and we only see 71 pics...dissappointing. HAHA...more photos more photos.
I want to see what that pizza looks got to take more pics of the food.